Google search liaison announced on twitter that the november 2021 google broad core algorithm update will begin rolling out on november 18, 2021. This is the industry leads first general kernel update since july 2021 and the third general kernel update for 2021. Typically, google will release two major updates per year, however, 2021 has been anything but. Typical for google updates. November 2021 broad core update announcement as always, google advised seos to refer to the main update documentation (which is now from 2019). The one-page webpage (which we can only assume garners millions of views on the day a major update is released) indicates that webmasters and seos should focus on building new content. 'valuable and relevant content that respects the google eat principle and brings value to users. Later today, we're releasing a large baseline update, as we do several times a year. This is the november 2021 core update.
Our guidance on these updates is here: google search liaison then tweeted confirming that the update has started to industry leads rolling out: november 2021 broad core update confirmation the update november 2021 main update is now rolling out. As is usually the case with these updates, the full deployment usually takes around one to two weeks. John mueller steps in google webmaster trends analyst john mueller was quick to jump in when a twitter user speculated that he had seen an immediate drop in rankings after google announced that the trend would start "Later today": john mueller tweet about broad core update what to know about google's broad core algorithm updates broad core updates are designed to improve the global algorithm of google. Unlike some updates that specifically target link or content spam, broad core updates will target all aspects of the search experience.
Changes to search results are felt by all websites. Although the impacts may seem acute on your website, you can rest assured that your competitors' search results are also reassessed. Whether this results in a positive or negative impact on the industry leads serps will be determined by how google rates the quality of its website and content. Don't make dramatic changes. Extended base updates typically take 10-14 days to fully roll out. If your website has undergone significant changes within the first 1-2 days of an update, you should wait for any drastic changes. Websites that focus on a high-quality content strategy should (in theory) be the websites that receive the most benefit during a broad core algorithm update. Although it can sometimes be difficult to understand the search results of competitors or the wider market, google tries to improve the quality of search results by rewarding high-quality content. If you experience a ranking loss, it doesn't mean you've been hit with a google penalty or manual action. Instead, it most likely means that google has re-evaluated your website's ranking based on content quality factors.