Screenshot showing information about a sweepstakes Now this is where the “viral” element comes in. Once someone has entered USA Phone Number List a giveaway, they’re encouraged to share the giveaway with their friends USA Phone Number List for more chances to win. All of a sudden, one person can become 10 USA Phone Number List people through social sharing and invites. Essentially your giveaway contestants do a ton of the marketing for you. Screenshot showing a confirmation page for a sweepstakes The above giveaway generated 3,223 contestants in just 28 days!
Define it before you get USA Phone Number List started. STEP 2: FIND AWESOME PRIZES Without prizes, you don’t have a giveaway. But if you want to run a successful viral giveaway, you can’t just give away generic prizes. “Win USA Phone Number List an iPhone X” “Win $100 in Amazon vouchers” These are seemingly USA Phone Number List great prizes. I mean, who wouldn’t want a brand-new iPhone or $100 to spend on Amazon? But here lies the exact problem many people run into with giveaways:
Generic prizes don’t generate USA Phone Number List real business results. Let me explain. If you give away generic prizes, you’re getting people who aren’t in your niche or even interested in your product. These are the kind USA Phone Number List of people who will unsubscribe from your list, or just ignore your USA Phone Number List messages, once the giveaway is over. With a giveaway, you don’t want to excite everyone with your prizes; you want stuff that appeals precisely to your niche. For example: