Adidas sold more than $20 million Phone Number Database worth of NFT sportswear last year. Are these 'digital twins' only useful to have? No, they're going to play a big part in the metaverse, which I wrote about earlier . Even though it is still a 'far from my bed show' for many people, it is coming closer faster than we think. Microsoft is already Phone Number Database working on Mesh , the Metaverse version of Microsoft Teams. If you're 3D in a meeting or in the previously described metaverse version of the Amnesia club, do you want to be a standard 3D pawn, or wear cool Nike and GAP NFTs? 4. NFTs: Good for Charities Not only commercial companies, but also charities can use NFTs in a new, unique way.
I was sad that the World Wildlife Phone Number Database Fund's 'Non-Fungible Animals' project was eventually cancelled. They wanted to start selling beautiful NFTs for the conservation of 10 endangered species. Several charities have already strategically deployed NFTs for awareness raising and fundraising, such as: ocean Phone Number Database conservation and land conservation education for women in Afghanistan, Taco Bell sold NFT wraps to fund scholarships for underprivileged children, and Charmin sold NFT toilet rolls to people in extreme poverty. Charities are finding it increasingly difficult to raise money, especially among the younger generations.
NFTs can be a wonderful way to let this target group contribute to the goal in an innovative way and also to become more aware of the necessity. Developments are accelerating in the NFT field: Samsung has already Phone Number Database announced that it will support NFTs in both its new TVs and mobile phones . in Asia there is already more searches on Google for 'NFTs' than for 'crypto', and As I wrote in my previous blog , the technology is developing so insanely fast that all kinds of new possibilities are being added at a rapid pace, such as POABs and PFPs.