A full stack developer with less than two years of experience earns Rs 12 lakh a year, but that is not the only advantage of the role. Most companies in India are willing to offer a 100 percent pay hike if you are willing to shift to the new company. With a decent average pay structure, a full stack developer in India has plenty of room for advancement. With fewer competition and more demand, a full stack developer can expect to earn around Rs 15 lakh a year.
As a full stack developer, you can expect a starting salary of Rs1,26,700. However, the maximum salaries for this position are Rs 15,50,000. Some companies, such as Tata Consultancy Services and IBM, pay the highest salary for this role in India. You can also work in a startup or an established IT company and earn INR 618,320 a year. You can also consider upGrad's full stack software development PG course.
If you are interested in this role, it is important to understand that full stack developers are highly sought after in big tech companies. These organizations are ready to pay top dollar to attract the best candidates. Although the starting salary for this position may be below what you are expecting as a fresher, it is likely to increase rapidly compared to other developer jobs. Therefore, it's vital to be prepared for such a career shift.
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